Serving Northwest Arkansas and surrounding arounds for 20 years. Take control of your home and/or office building water quality. Northwest Water Treatment,INC builds systems your family can count on.

Ultra violet lights, chlorine systems, hydrogen peroxide systems, OZone systems, reverse osmosis systems, water softeners, carbon filters, sediment filters , whole house carbon filters, self back washing filters.

Water filtration and treatment systems

Well pumps both residential and commercial water filtration systems.

Specialize in treating water with: natural gas, methane gas, iron bacteria, coliform, E. coli, hydrogen sulfide sulfur, hard water, calcium, lime, chlorine removal PH, manganese and more.

Are you buying and/or selling homes? Let us check the water filtration system for you and feel confident about your purchase.

Testing for sulfur, iron, bacteria, hard water, pH, E. coli, coliform bacteria.

Do you know the water quality of your business? We do. Call us today to schedule your free on-site test.

For Real Estate agents who want to sell quality to they're clients. Call us today for a free on-site test.

Carwash systems have commercial water softeners that need servicing. Are you giving quality washes to your customers? Call us today and find out!